Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, many residents had lost jobs, finding difficulty in making ends meet. Some are unable to provide basic necessities for their families.
Persatuan Cakna Rasa Sayang is an NGO that provides aid for residents of Taman Rasa Sayang who are in need, such as orphans, single mothers, and disabled citizens. Ustaz Zulkifli Muhammad, the founder of PCRS, is the main person involved in collecting funds and distributing it to the residents in need.
In this intervention, an Indian family had approached Ustaz Zul for assistance in basic home necessities after observing other local Muslim residents receiving help. Without hesitation, Ustaz Zul had gathered funds to help this family with what they needed.
The platform hosts a directory of all NGOs and innovators tackling challenges within Malaysia, while also highlighting the various PPR Communities. Ruangreka aims to bridge the gap between the changemakers, communities and resources.