Building a zero waste community with residents of PPR Bukit Jalil

The Problem

Practicing a sustainable and zero waste lifestyle is not a norm among communities in Malaysia, especially among B40 communities. Through the Projek Kiah: Green Oil Project, it is hoped that the residents of PPR Bukit Jalil could learn sustainable practices, in hopes that they will implement it in their everyday life.

The Solution

Yayasan UniKL launched a project called Projek Kiah: Green Oil Project. This project involves the participation of residents at PPR Bukit Jalil of all ages. Residents were given exposure regarding the importance of recycling used cooking oil through campaigns and small contests focusing on sustainability and environment. To encourage more participation and interest from the residents, the children at PPR Bukit Jalil partake in contests where they collect the used cooking oil and were given rewards for it. In addition to that, residents learnt other useful sustainable applications in life. To avoid accumulation of food waste, they participated in a cooking competition where they could only use ingredients from yesterday's food leftovers. They also received a demonstration on upcycling, where old clothes were converted into tote bags.

Communities we work with

The platform hosts a directory of all NGOs and innovators tackling challenges within Malaysia, while also highlighting the various PPR Communities. Ruangreka aims to bridge the gap between the changemakers, communities and resources.

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